Manuscripts are sent for blind peer-review to members of the Editorial Board and Guest Reviewers. The review process generally requires three months. The receipt of submitted manuscripts will be acknowledged by the Editors, from whom a decision and reviewers’ comments will be received when the peer-review has been completed. Every review should be in writing and end with a clear conclusion as to whether to approve the given paper for publishing or to reject it. Names of individual reviewers will not be revealed. A list of reviewers will be published annually in form of public disclosure. In order to prevent cases of “ghostwriting” or “guest authorship”we require that authors follow the rules of scientific integrity. We require that authors reveal input of others in the creation of the publication. Hence, the author is obligated to provide names of all co-authors of the submitted paper, including their affiliation and information about the authorship of the concept, assumptions, or methods used while preparing the publication. Submission of the paper to the Editors automatically means that proper authorship is indicated. The author is responsible for authenticity of submitted data. We emphasize that “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” indicate lack of scientific integrity and all cases will be exposed, including provision of necessary information to appropriate entities (institutions that employ authors, scientific societies, scientific editorial associations, etc.).